Осталось 16 мин. The donkey

We (go) 1___ farther and farther west. Soon we (reach) 2___ the great Shannon

river. There (be) 3___ many policemen at the bridges that crossed the river. The river (be)

4___ very broad and we (can) 5__ cross it only by boat in the dead of night.

We (walk) 6__ down a lane when we (meet) 7___ a donkey. It (be) 8___ a big

donkey. He (eat) 9_ the long green grass, and suddenly the donkey (come) 10up behind

Derval and butted her in the back with his head. "Stop that! What (do) 11__ you

_?" (say) 12___Derval.

| (see) 13___ that the donkey (not/be)14___afraid of us. | (understand) 15__ that the

donkey (play) 16__ with the girl.

| (take) 17 some sugar from my bag. | (hold) 18__it in my hand and the donkey (eat)

19 it with great pleasure. «Il (not/see) 20__ donkeys so closely

before,» (say) 21__ Derval.

Then | (put) 22___her up on the donkey's back and (sit) 23 behind her myself. "Go,

donkey. IF you (take) 24___us to the top of the hill, | (give) 25__ you some more sugar.” The

donkey walked obediently forward.

арана19 арана19    3   16.10.2020 22:21    186

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