ORDER OF ADJECTIVES 1. Drag the adjectives into the correct category to describe the noun. 1. ceramic 2. old lovely French 3. American 4. rain 5. white Size red elegant Shape new old wonderful amazing new 6. blue 7. ancient 8. coffee 9. brown 10. black Origin long huge round cheap horrible Material expensive small glass wool tiny Purpose Opinion Age Colour NOUN MUG CLOCK MOVIE BOOTS HOUSE DRESS TREE TABLE SWEATER INSECT 2. Choose the option that has the correct order of adjectives to complete the sentences. The gardener uses a a. watering old big metal b. metal big old watering c. big old metal watering 2. There are two garden. a. small cute white b. white small cute c. cute small white 3. She is wearing an, a. expensive white pearl b. expensive pearl white. c. white expensive pearl 4. Salem is in the box a. brown square tiny carboard b. tiny square brown cardboard c. tiny brown cardboard square can 5. I love your boots a. fashionable leather brown b. leather fashionable brown c. fashionable brown leather 1. bunnies in the 6. This is my. a. new cotton red b. new red cotton c. red new cotton dress. 7. That's a really. a wooden ugly b. ugly wooden 8. Mrs. Jones is an a. arrogant old English b. old arrogant English c. English old arrogant chair necklace. lady

13895702084657812570 13895702084657812570    1   25.11.2021 14:11    2

Kinana99 Kinana99  29.12.2021 06:19

Привет, если слово на английском начинается на гласную букву, то следует ставить an, и обратно. Из исключений можно отметить только выражение "for an hour", а остальные уже давно не используют

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