Определите тип, раскройте скобки и переведите предложения

1. I feel so lonely. If my groupmate (to come) to visit me, I (to be) very


2. If the teacher (to give) the lecture, we (to have) answer these questions

last lesson.

3. If we (to receive) the instructions from him, we (not to solve) the problem. 4. If you (not to work) hard, you (to fail) the exam. 5. If you (to be) busy, I (to leave) you alone. 6. If I (to live) in Moscow, I (to visit) the exhibition very often. 7. If I (to get) a ticket, I (to go) to this exhibition this week. 8. If my friend (to return) early, we (to play) computer together. 9. I am sure that if she (to see) the advertising, she (to buy) this device. 10. If she (to be) you, she (to try) to understand me.

mspasenkova mspasenkova    2   09.06.2020 01:56    19

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