Определите синтаксическую функцию герундия и переведите предложения. no one appreciates their singing so loudly. 12 reading agatha christie is the nation’s favourite pastime. 13. such people are not worth speaking about. 13 we gave up all hope of seeing him again. 14 i don’t like the idea of being treated by dr. howard. 15 the head of the delegation was against the agreement being signed. 16 the flowers want watering. 17 he returned without anybody having noticed his absence. 18 we won’t achieve anything by arguing.

snsn snsn    3   31.08.2019 07:20    4

Katya270403 Katya270403  06.10.2020 06:34

11 No one appreciates their singing (object дополнение) so loudly.

12 Reading (subject подлежащее) Agatha Christie is the nation’s favourite pastime.

13. Such people are not worth speaking (object дополнение) about.

13 We gave up all hope of seeing (attribute определение) him again.

14 I don’t like the idea of being (attribute определение) treated by Dr. Howard.

15 The head of the delegation was against the agreement being (object дополнение) signed.

16 The flowers want watering (object дополнение)

17 He returned without anybody having noticed (an adverbial modifier of manner обстоятельство образа действия) his absence.

18 We won’t achieve anything by arguing (an adverbial modifier of manner  обстоятельство образа действия) 

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