Опишите свой любимый ужин. 12-15 предложения Опишіть свою улюблену вечерю. 12-15 речення
Describe your favorite supper. 12-15 sentence

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vika8914 vika8914    3   05.12.2020 20:58    0

Ilya78324 Ilya78324  04.01.2021 21:03

My favorite supper from my earliest childhood was and still is simple fried potatoes. For as long as I can remember, when I came to visit my grandparents in the village on vacation, the first thing I asked them to do was cook this dish. Probably, as a child, everything seems so delicious and interesting, festive and memorable. But I think that my love for this product lies in the ability of my grandmother to cook it very tasty. I don't know all the secrets of cooking, but food cooked in a Russian oven and with its own fresh vegetables will always remain for me the standard of delicious and healthy food. The amazing atmosphere of lunch time, when tired relatives who had worked in the field or garden since early morning sat down at the table, their unhurried and kind conversations about the weather and the harvest, made the meal some interesting action that is not clear to the city dweller. My grandmother was putting a large pan of potatoes on the table, which gave off a wonderful smell of resinous wood from the stove and vegetable oil. Everyone was served fresh milk and offered fresh cucumbers and herbs - dill, parsley and green onions. This is the kind of food I could eat for Breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and I never got tired of it.

Every person in any sphere of life has their own preferences and preferences. Similarly, in the choice of food, everyone has their favorite or not so much products and ready meals. A person's taste may change over the course of their life, and the food they liked as a child no longer evokes such taste attachments. Almost all children really like sweets, ice cream and cakes, sweets and sweet sparkling water. Adults like spicy meat or fish dishes that are very difficult to get a child to eat. But there are products that almost everyone likes, without exception, these are fruits and berries: apples and bananas, watermelons and strawberries, blueberries and pears.

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