Опишите професии напишите короткие предложения о каждой из профессий в приклепленном скрине

Опишите професии напишите короткие предложения о каждой из профессий в приклепленном скрине

Cronus1Oleg Cronus1Oleg    1   25.12.2020 08:31    0

р6661 р6661  24.01.2021 08:33

She's a hairdresser. She is engaged in cutting, coloring and styling hair.

He's a mechanic. He works in large factories and monitors the serviceability of equipment.

She's a teacher. It teaches children to read, write and count correctly

He's a pilot. He operates a plane and transports people to other countries

He's a football player. He plays football with his team to beat the other team

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