Опишите по плану 1 The place In this picture the action is taking place in (the house; the living room; the gym; the swimming pool; the theme park etc.). In this picture I can see… It was (probably) taken inside / outside.

The picture shows us a boy / girl / woman / man.
You can also see...
There are toys / books / pictures near the girl / boy.
2 The action I can see (a girl, a boy, a man, a woman, children) in this picture.
She / he (is watching TV, is reading a book, is writing, is lying on the grass) Looking at these people / this girl / this boy I get the impression / I see that they are/ she is / he is (having dinner; watching a film; doing their homework etc.)
The man is … smiling.
The people are … working.
It’s raining. It’s sunny.
She / He is sitting at the table / standing / playing football / speaking …
The weather is fine. I think it is summer.
3 The appearance of the person The girl / boy looks like
she/he is about … years old. She / he has … eyes and dark/fair hair.
The girl / boy is wearing (a white T-shirt and blue jeans) The boy / girl / woman / man is about … years old.
She / he has … She/he has … eyes and dark/fair hair.
The girl/ boy is wearing …
I guess she/ he is quiet and kind and smart. The woman / man is young / old. I think he / she is 20 – 30 years old.
The boy / girl is about 6 years old. He is a pupil.
He / She has got short / long hair.
He / She is wearing a school uniform / a suit/ a tie/ a dress.
She looks pretty / happy / tired / surprised / relaxed.
4 Whether you like the picture or not I like this picture because the atmosphere is peaceful / positive / calm /friendly / cheerful. I like color of this picture as it is bright. I like this picture as it is colorful / full of positive emotions. I like this photo because I like playing / skating / listening to music, too.
I like this photo because the atmosphere in the picture is calm and friendly .I like this photo because summer is my favourite season.
I think the scene is very attractive. I like this photo because I am fond of cycling. I like this photo because the boy in it is very fit and sporty.
5 Why It makes me think of summer/winter/ autumn/ spring / school / family / holidays / travelling. It makes me think of summer/winter/ autumn/ spring.

Опишите по плану 1 The place In this picture the action is taking place in (the house; the living ro

Sofja007 Sofja007    3   17.02.2021 21:11    2

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