Опишите мой характер на , я добрый ( и опесать почему ( сами подумайте ) и.т.д хорошие черты эта работа на 15 предложений ! заранее большое .

tanya599 tanya599    1   01.10.2019 16:50    3

Gumerova0424 Gumerova0424  04.08.2020 21:17

So, I want to tell you about my personal qualities. To tell the truth I am really cooperative and ready to work in team. Here can be such ones as friendly, and responsible. I am center of attention in any company. It is goes a descision that I am very communicative. Some people thought that i am rough  and silly, but I do not think so. Oppositely I think that i am kind and quite savvy. Although, people that has spoiled think about me can not describe reason.  I can physically help my granny with some work. She can give me a compliment sometimes. Moreover, she is really proud of me.   My mother and father can give a lot of homework. Besides I handle it well. As for me, this quality can be named as stress resistant. To sum up, now you know all my personal qualities. Thanks for attention

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