Описать внешность 3 людей, на яз 5 кл

huhrova23 huhrova23    1   01.12.2019 16:26    1

sergogocer sergogocer  10.10.2020 17:33

1. This girl is tall and slim. She has long red hair. She has short nose and thick lips. She is pretty.

2. This men is short and fat. He is old. He has beard. He has short dark hair.

3. This boy is short and thin. He has short fair hair. He has brown eyes.

Nastya35116 Nastya35116  10.10.2020 17:33

1. It is a girl. She is tall. Girl has long straight fair hair. Eyes are blue and green. She's nose is big but it is beautiful.

2. This is a man. He is 26 years old. He has short curly dark hair. He has a beard and a mustache.

3. It is a women. She is very pretty. Her lips is a red. She have long wavy hair. Women is fat and her eyes are very beautiful.