Описание урагана на английском языке

looney2017 looney2017    3   15.12.2020 09:15    1

animals200027 animals200027  14.01.2021 09:17


There are many violent and destructive storms in nature and hurricane is one of them. It is a form of a tropical cyclone, which normally hits the north or south shores of America. In Asia or the Far East cyclones are relatively milder and are known as “typhoons”. The cyclone itself is clearly visible from space and has a spiral shape with a hole in the middle — “the eye of the storm”. Surprisingly, it is very calm and clear in it with a low air pressure.


д2и0а0н6а д2и0а0н6а  14.01.2021 09:17

Hurricane—a swirling mass of wind, rain, thunder, and chaos. Hurricanes begin over tropical and subtropical ocean water. They start when warm water, moist air, and strong winds collide and create a rotating bundle of thunderstorms and clouds. A hurricane might last a few hours or several days.


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