описание комнаты с использованием there is/there are 5-6предложений 3 класс.

adelinapak adelinapak    1   09.04.2020 16:51    0

Dasha555559 Dasha555559  13.10.2020 00:22

There is lamp on my table.

There are two chairs in my room.

There is bed in my room.

There is flower near my window.

There is computer in my room.

There are six books on my table.

Если мой ответ был для тебя полезен, то не мог(-ла) бы ты поставить ему статус лучшего? Заранее


Tusovik Tusovik  13.10.2020 00:22

My room is very large. Warm colors are present here. There is a beautiful purple door here. Also opposite the entrance is a yellow chest of drawers and next to it is a white wardrobe. In the middle of the room there is a huge fluffy bed. There is a large window above the bed . There is a large writing table nearby

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