Open the brackets with the correct tense forms (Past Simple, Present Continuous or Present Simple): (20 points) 1. Look! She ( wear) a wedding ring! 2. Sorry! I (not / understand) what you (say). 3. At school I (do) well in my exams because I (not / go) out with my friends. 4. You ( go out) with Paul yesterday. 5. She (start) to tell stories to her sister when she was very young. 6. They (have) a big argument about something last Tuesday. 7. She (speak) on the phone six times a day. 8. They always (tell) each other all the secrets.

Alena26vl Alena26vl    1   15.06.2020 21:28    3

apolo230kmn apolo230kmn  14.09.2020 23:49

1 is wearing

2 don't understand, said

3 do, don't go

4 went out

5 started

6 had

7 speaks

8 tell

alena1706 alena1706  14.09.2020 23:49

1 is wearing

2 don't understand,are saying

3 do, don't go(did, didn't go)

4 went out

5 started

6 had

7 speaks

8 tell

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