Open the brackets using the proper tense and translate the sentence. 1. This college (train) civil servants since 2001.

They (argue) about the merger when he suddenly (lose) his temper.

They (discuss) the new project for three hours.

Management (introduce) a new system of rewards a month ago.

Unfortunately, I (not finish) the report yet.

I think it (take) us a month to study this problem.

Things are not so good at work. The company (lose) money.

When he was young he (work) 12 hours a day.

They (complete) the major reorganization by the next year.

I suddenly remembered that I (forget) my keys.

II. Insert some, any, no and their derivatives and translate the sentence

1. You can use … reference materials you find interesting.

2. … organizations are responsive to our needs and … are not.

3. You can hardly fins a manager who has … problems.

4. … type of responsibility can be a burden to … people.

5. These documents are … in his office.

Bessihatanuamailru Bessihatanuamailru    1   20.04.2021 13:23    50

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