Open the Brackets Using the Gerund or Infinitive Form:
1. I have been trying… (find) a new job for a month.
2. I don’t mind … (buy) you a new dress.
3. My sister couldn’t help…(laugh) at the lesson.
4. Are you planning … (enter) the university after school?
5. You promised …(call) me every day!
6. I hate …(be) late for my classes.
7. We avoided … (discuss) that problem with our parents.
8. She denied … (stay) at home last night.
9. Every student has an opportunity to practise … (speak) in a group.
10. I just want …(hear) your opinion on the matter.
11. My son is learning …(ride) a bike.
12. My neighbor enjoys … (talk) about modern music.
13. The doctor advised me …(stay) in bed for a couple of days.
14. I’m looking forward to … (visit) my grandparents.
15. We regret … (inform) you that your daughter has failed her exam.
16. Unfortunately, we have to put off … (buy) a new flat until next year.
17. Why do you refuse … (accept) his help?
18. She can’t get used to … (live) in the village.
19. She can’t afford …(spend) her holidays abroad.
20. Have you finished … (wash up) the dishes yet?

Серыйпрайм Серыйпрайм    2   13.05.2021 19:23    2

Elizaveta544435 Elizaveta544435  12.06.2021 19:25

1 to find 2 buying 3 laughing 4 to 5 to 6 being 7 discussing 8 staying 9 speaking 10 to 1 talking 13 staying  14 visiting 15 to 16 buying 17 to 18 living 19 to 20 washing up


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