Open the brackets using the correct tense or structure.

1. The number of our clients (increase) every month.

2. That's the first time I (see) my sister today so far.

3. We've never been trying (start) this car for hours. I don't know what's wrong!

4. I'm sure Jane (modal verb + not + take) your phone. She was with me the whole time and she didn't leave the room for even a second.

5.I (finish + already) the conversation when they arrived.

6.By the time I finish the book the author (write) a new one.

7. I think you (modal verb) tell him the truth. You are his friend.

8. We (have) lunch there tomorrow - you can come by.

9. They (drive) through the city when they heard the news.

10.I (know) her since childhood, she's a great friend.

DjDenZzz DjDenZzz    3   25.05.2020 18:59    0

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