Open the brackets using the correct form in the Passive Voice.
1) Sound card (use) by the computer to record and play audio.
2) Iron ore (heat) in the presence of charcoal.
3) Manufacturing (exist) as long as civilizations have required goods.
4) Many years ago factories (build) to produce gunpowder.
5) An electric arc (discover) by Russian engineer V.V. Petrov.
6) Recently there (be) some growth in the number of PhDs granted in computer and physical sciences.
7) Most programs (write) in a high-level language such as FORTRAN or C.
8) In the course of further scientific developments extensive use (make) of modern computing machines and electronic devices.
9) It (provide) by such devices as magnetic discs.
10) The process (know) as hot working.

Динара22235 Динара22235    2   15.05.2020 09:45    158

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