Open the brackets using Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Present Perfect:

1. he (like) to go in for sports?
2. Where you (live)?
3. I (not like) to eat in restaurants.
4. Liz (knit) at the moment.
5. you (move) there in 2010?
6. Jim (fly) to Paris last Sunday.
7. They (spend) their holidays in Spain.
8. What you (see) in the museum?
9. We (just meet) at the station.
10. I (lose) my keys last night.
11. Carol (already start) his new job.
12. Liz (not arrive) yet.
13. I (never travel) by air.
14. He (not finish) his report yesterday.

lana770 lana770    1   15.04.2020 21:17    2

mkazancev228 mkazancev228  13.10.2020 07:54
1) Does he
2) whew do you live
3) don’t like
4)is knitting
5) do you want to move to 2010?
8)do you see
9) we just met at the station
10) i lost my keys last night
11) calor has already started his new job
12) liz has not arrived yet
13) i never traveled by air
14) he not finish his report yesterday
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