Open the brackets using past simple or past perfect/ pass)her exams last mounth.alice be)late after she (to miss)the bus.the build)the house by the end of the year. be)upset because break)he phone.he write)a composition after read)the book.jane (phone)mom a work before she(leave)for her journey.kate (turn on)the radio after she (wash)the dishes.after the woman (come)home,she (feed)the dog.when nastya (arrive)the film already(begin)he (play)piano before he (sing)a song

Nikityha2012 Nikityha2012    1   10.06.2019 04:40    3

ilonctik ilonctik  08.07.2020 17:53
She passed her exams last mounth.Alice was late after she had missed the bus.The workers had built the house by the end of the year. Linda was upset because she had broken her phone. He wrote a composition after he had read the book.Jane had phoned mom a work before she left for her journey.Kate turned on the radio after she had washed the dishes. After the woman had come home,she fed the dog. When Nastya arrived the film had already begun. He had played piano before he sang a song.
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