Open the brackets using Past Perfect.(to repair) the car by p.m.yesterday.(to break) the window before their Dad came home.(to read) the book by yesterday's afternoon.inot to see) him since I moved to another place, (to graduate) from the medical school befure the 80s.1) We 2) The kids 3) They 4) I 5) She (to produce) about 2,000 items.6) By 2000 the company 7) As I was approaching the house I understood that I wallet.(to lose) my 8) The city 9) She didn't understand that she mother.(tu change) betore we visited it for the first time.(to be) very rude with her (to solve) all thcir problerns.10) They were glad that they Choose the correct answer.1) We had moved to the town 2 Our grandparents had arrived 3) The city had changed (hefore / jusl) 1998. (before after) ?p.m.(by liic end of after) the 21st century started.4) The group had recorded the song (before / after) it stopped to play live.5) The first sputnik had orbited the Earth 6) We reached the point (before / after) 1960. (before / after) the inain group had arrived.7) The first spectators entered the hall had rung.8) She had never been to the theatre 9) He had nade the invention (belore / after) the secund bell (beiore / after) she was 5. (before / after) he understood its importance.10) She had done the silly thing.(before / after) she was conscious of it.

29Vladislava13 29Vladislava13    1   29.11.2020 16:35    2

mmila4764 mmila4764  29.12.2020 16:37

1) a division and I will send you a week ago a division of labor is imposter a

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