Open the brackets using indefinite active or indefinite passive. 1. the letter(to receive) some hours ago. 2 he(to brine the magazine tomorrow. his sister (to teach) physics at the institute. 4. the book(to read) with pleasure, 5. your report(to discuss to tumorrow. 6 i(to answer) my brothers letter last week 1. rewrite the sentences from active voice into passive voice 1. he published the book last year. 2. tiney will stop the work because of the weather 3. our ship makes regular voyages to london. translate into english 1. много домов строится в нашем городе каждый год. 2. письма отсылаются сотрудникам офиса каждый день. 3. переговоры (the negotuations) будут проводиться (to conduct) через 20 минут. 4. сооружение исаакиевского собора(the st. isaac s cathedral было начато в 1768 году. translate into russian. 1. the film is much spoken about. 2. my friend can be relied on. 3. thc children will be looked after. 4. heat and light are given to us by the sun. 5. the guests were shown the places of interest in the city. 6. the house will be rebuilt in some years. 7. the doctor was sent for at once.

Fedor122790 Fedor122790    2   11.07.2019 07:20    3

lubov9 lubov9  17.09.2020 18:26
1.The letter was received some hours ago.
2 He will bring the magazine tomorrow.
3.His sister teaches physics at the Institute.
4.The book is being read with pleasure
5.Your report will be discussed to tumorrow.
6 I answered my brothers letter last week 

1. The book was published by him last year.
2. the work will be stopped by Tiney because of the weather
3. regular voyages were made by our ship to London. 

A lot of homes are  built in our town every year. 
2. Letters are sent to the office staff every day. 
3. Negotiations (the negotuations) will be conducted in 20 minutes. 
4. The construction of St. Isaac's Cathedral (The St. Isaac's Cathedral) was begun in 1768.

1. В фильме много говорится о...
 2. На моего друга можно положиться.
3. Дети будут под присмотром ТГК .
4. Тепло и свет дает нам солнце.
5. Гостям были показаны достопримечательности города.
6. Дом будет построен через несколько лет.
7. Врач был отправлен за этим сразу.
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