Open the brackets. Use Future Simple/Present Simple
1) If the weather (be) cold, I (ski) in the park
2) We (have) supper as soon as father (arrive)
3) They (leave) home after it (stop) raining.
4) Jane (begin) learning French when she (become) a pupil.
5) Ann (do) my homework before her parents (come) back from work.
6) I (talk) to him after he (wash) the car.
7) They (play) football until they (get) tired.
8) Jack is not sure if he (be) in London next week.
9) If he (go) to London next week, he (meet) his cousin Mary.
10) If you (not, change) your plans for the coming summer, I’ll go to the sea with you.
11) I don’t know when I (watch) film but I really want to do it.
12) Please tell me when you (be) able to come and see us.

OMG1234567890 OMG1234567890    1   03.06.2020 08:23    7

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