Open the brackets putting the verbs in the proper form.
1. the lord (prefer) common-looking people. that is why
he (make) so many of them. (abraham lincoln) 2. every time a child (say) ‘i (not believe) in fairies’ there (be) a little fairy some-
where that (fall) down dead. (j.m.barrie) 3. at 50, everyone
(have) the face he (deserve). (george orwell) 4. ‘classic a book
which people (praise) and (notread). (mark twain) 5. this (be)
an important book, the critic (assume), because it (deal) with
war. this (be) an insignificant book because it (deal) with the
feelings of women in a drawing-room. (virginia woolf) 6. cats
(seem) to go on the principle that it never (do) any harm to ask
for what you (want). (joseph wood krutch) 7. ten thousand difficulties (not make) one doubt. (cardinal newman) 8. any man
who (hate) dogs and babies can’t be all bad. (leo rosten) 9. there
(be) always one moment in childhood when the door (open)
and (let) the future in. (graham greene) 10. a child (become) an
adult when he (realize) that he (have) a right not only to be right
but also to be wrong. (thomas szasz) 11. in examinations those
who (not wish) to know (ask) questions of those who cannot
tell. (walter raleigh) 12. i never (think) of the future. it (come)
soon enough. (albert einstein) 13. every generation (revolt)
against its fathers and (make) friends with its grandfathers. (lewis
mumford) 14. it (take) a lot of imagination to be a good photog-
rapher. you (need) less imagination to be a painter because you
can invent things. but in photography everything (be) so ordi-
nary; it (take) a lot of looking before you (learn) to see the ordi-
nary. (david bailey) 15. slang is a language that (roll) up its sleeves,
(spit) on its hands and (go) to work. (carl sandburg) 16. man
(dream) of fame while woman (wake) to love. (lord tennyson)
17. all women (become) like their mothers. that (be) their trag-
edy. no man (do). that’s his. (oscar wilde) 18. the man who
(make) no mistakes (not make) usually anything. (edward john
phelps) 19. we (know) what (happen) to people who (stay) in
the middle of the road. they (get) run down. (aneurin bevan)
20. money (not talk); it (swear). (bob dylan)​

LetoForever LetoForever    3   16.09.2019 12:11    3

унитазавр унитазавр  04.08.2020 14:19

1. prefers

2. makes

3. says

4. don't believe

5. is


7. has

8. deserves

9. praise

10. don't read

11. is

12. assumes

13. deals

14. is

15. deals

16. seem

17. does

18. want

19. don't make

20. hate

21. is

22. opens

23. let

24. becomes

25. realises

26. has

27. doesn't wish

28. askes

29. think

30. comes

31. revolts

32. makes

33. takes

34. need

35. is

36. takes

37. learn

38. rolls

39. spits

40. goes

41. dreams

42. wakes

43. become

44. is

45. do

46. makes

47. doesn't make

48. know

49. happens

50. stay

51. get

52. don't talk

53. it swears

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