Open the brackets and put the verbs into the correct forms and read the letter. ) speak english with them. ask) us about our town. have) a talk about schools and shoolchildren in japan. learn) many interesting things.

ludmillychka ludmillychka    3   12.03.2019 15:20    2

fFlower337 fFlower337  25.05.2020 00:58

We could (past ind) speak English with them.They asked (past ind.) us about our town.We had (past ind.) a talk about schools and shoolchildren in Japan.I learned (past ind.) many interesting things.

Все глаголы в простом обычном времени - past indefinite, так как идет повествовательный рассказ о том, что мы сделали в они спросилио том-то, я узнал то-то.

люда334 люда334  25.05.2020 00:58

We could speak English with them.They asked us about our town.We had a talk about schools and shoolchildren in Japan.I. learnt many interesting things.

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