Open the brackets and put the verbs in the correct form. Раскройте скобки, используя первый тип условных предложений.
1) If Peter comes we will go to play in the yard.
2) If you (eat) late at night, you (get) a stomach ache.
3) I (watch) TV if she (not come).
4) If Frank’s parents (have) their holidays in summer, they (go) to the seaside.
5) She (go) to the cinema when she (finish) my work.
6) We (buy) this book if our mother (give) us some money.
7) I (return) you your dress when you (ask) me.

Cradzul Cradzul    3   19.04.2021 00:06    0

wami56 wami56  19.05.2021 00:09
2) Eat; will get
3) will watch; isn’t come
4) have; will go
5) will go: finishes
6) will buy; gives
7) will return; ask
p0m41k p0m41k  19.05.2021 00:09, will get

2.will watch, doesn't come

3.have,will go

4.will go, finishes

5.will buy, gives

6.will return, ask


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