Open the brackets and complete the following text. daniel cook (live) on a small island which (be) far away from the continent. he (live) new house soon. the buildiers (finish) it now. daniel's life is not very interesting. he (do) practically the same things every day. he (get up) earl in the morning, after breakfast he (walk) for work and (spend) hours there. he (go) shopping after work. in the evening he not watch tv, he (not like) it. he ussualy (visit) his friend. they together (sit) by the fire and (discuss) their life.

Karina25052005 Karina25052005    3   30.09.2019 04:50    7

Fanny321 Fanny321  09.10.2020 04:40

1. live

2. is

3. lives

4. will move

5. are finishing  

6. does

7. gets  

8. walks

9. spends

10. goes

11. doesn't watch

12. doesn't like

13. visits

14. sit

15. discuss

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