Open the brackets 1. You (watch) TV when 1 phoned you?

2. You (wash) your hair?

3. He (finish) it by 3.

4. Tom (take) a photograph of me while (mot look

5. I (lose) my key. I can't open the door.

6. He (not cleare) the room before Daddy (come)

7. They ( mor do) it yet.

8. What you (do) at this time yesterday?

9. She (leave) when you came? 10.I saw Carol at the party. She (wear) a nice dress. 11. Nancy (travel) lot in her life. 12. said he (mot play) tennis a week before. 14. Look! I (buy) lots of things. 13. Sam (drive) the car at 4 yesterday. 15. Are you going to the bank? No, I already (be) there 17.I phoned Mr. Smith to find out if Sam (go) away. 16. When they last (visit) you? 18.1 know they already (see) the Kremlin. 19. We just (arrive) 20. When you first (meet) Pat? How old you (be) then? 21. Dad (not ope) all the papers. He (type) some of them yesterday. But he (mot do)

22. We believe our world (change) for the better. 23. Mother says she always (want) to be a doctor. 25. Uncle Ben never (fly) in his life. But the other day he (make up) his mind to fly to 24. Father (tell you that he (buy) some tickets the cinema? Australia.

anything today

26. When we see you next week we (buy) u new car. 27. Nick (finish) this work before you leave? 29. After John (paint) the portrait, he (understand) (realize) his dream. 28. The birds (fly away) before winter comes. 32. After Joe (look) through 3 dictionaries he (find) the word he (look) for. 31. I'm sure Sam (read) "War& Peace" by the end of the year. 30. By the time Granny (come) binck, we (clean) the room. 33. He (come) back by supper time.

alena0303 alena0303    3   19.11.2020 10:51    2

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