Open the brackets.
1). When I (to enter) the room, everybody (be) busy. My father to watch.
mom.(ta.cook, dinner, my brother (to play...with his cars.
2). I can't stand it! They (to quarrel) all the time!
3). Your hands are so dirty! I (to paint) my fence since morning and I(to finish) it
just now.
4). She (to walk along the street (to peer) at the shop windows
5). Hardly I (to get) to school when the teacher (to come).
6). Where you (to learn) the news?
7). I always (to hate) such cruelty.
8). The pupils (to write) the test by the time we (to come)
9). He (to fly) over the Atlantic ocean at this time tomorrow
10). Mr. Black (to visit) Russia in 1999 and (not/to be here since that time.​

konton konton    1   27.05.2020 11:08    1

egorjanov2200 egorjanov2200  24.08.2020 22:06

1. When I entered the room, everybody was busy. My father was watching TV, my mum was cooking dinner, my brother was playing with his cars.

2. I can't stand it! They are quarreling all the time!

3. Your hands are so dirty! — I have been painting my fence since morning and I have finished it just now.

4. She is walking along the street to peer at the shop windows.

5. Hardly I get to school when the teacher hasn't come.

6. Where do you learn the news?

7. I have always hated such cruelty.

8. The pupils had written the test by the time we came.

9. He will be flying over the Atlantic ocean at this time tomorrow.

10. Mr Black visited Russia in 1999 and hadn't been here since that time.

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