Open the brackets: 1.She (go) to the market and (buy) some vegetables.
2. What (do) you when the fire (start)?
3. I could tell she (cry) because her eyes (be) red.
4. She (skate) when she (slip) and (land) on the ice.
5. My arm (ache) for two weeks, before (go) to the doctor.
6. She (got) on the motorbike and (ride) way.
7.He (walk) the road when a flower pot (fall) on his head.
8. While sally (cook) dinner Steve (lay) the table.
9.The patient (stay) in hospital for five weeks before he fully (recover).
10. He (be) upset because he (fail) the exam
11.Nobody (know) where Jane (leave) the front door key.
12. Tom (play) tennis every day for months before (enter) his first tournament.

bershteindanik bershteindanik    3   11.11.2020 13:52    12

Vasilisa00700 Vasilisa00700  11.11.2020 14:00

went, bought

did, started

cried, were

was skating, slipped, landed

was aching, went

got, rode

was walking, fell

was cooking, was laying

stayed, recovered

was, failed,

knew, left

played, entered


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