Open the brackets: 1.i (to help) you with these letters if you (to find) a type-writer. 2. when you (to start) your work next week i still (to busk) in the sun. 3. what you (to do) if the car (to break down). 4. i don’t know whether they (to send) that cheque to the bank. 5. their work (to be) good for nothing if they (to work) like this. 6. i just want to know when you (to be ready) with this grammar test.

arabenko arabenko    2   19.07.2019 00:50    0

DiankaTokmashova DiankaTokmashova  07.09.2020 16:16
1 I will ... if you find
2 When you start ... i have still busked
3 will you do if the car is broken 
4 they have send 
5 will be ... they work
6 you are ready 
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