Open the brackets 1. Clair (ices, iced, will ice) the cake in 10 minutes.
2. People usually (fasten, fastened, will fasten) the belts in the planes.
3. Granny (heats, heated, will heat) the lunch in half an hour.
4. Howard (bothers, bothered, will bother) me every day last week.
5. This story always (irritates, irritated, will irritate) me.
6. Ada (is having, was having, will be having) a snack when mother came.
7. I (was sitting, will be sitting, am sitting) here at this time next Monday.
8. Father (is mending, was mending, will be mending) the shoes at the moment.
9. Sandra (was looking, is looking, will be looking) there when I saw her.
10. Mr. Holder (will be doing, was doing, is doing) the same at this time next year.
2. Choose the correct answer
1. Mary (will have insured, insures, insure) his flat by the end of this year.
2. Tom’s puppy (has eaten, had eaten, eats) the bone and is still waiting.
3. Granny (had mashed, mashed, mashes) the potatoes before we got up.
4. My aunt (will have cancelled, cancels, cancelled) the meeting by that time.
5. Mrs. Anderson (had corrected, has corrected, corrects) the text before we came.

kolyapauk2016p08ax4 kolyapauk2016p08ax4    2   15.12.2021 13:33    0

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