Open the brackets
1 3 people (survive) in a car accident last night. 2 Shortage of water (be) a serious problem in many African countries. 3 Shortage of water (be) a serious problem in many African countries for 5 years. 4 When the nuclear power station in Tchernobyl (go) wrong, many people (suffer) in many parts of the country. 5 Who(influence) you in your childhood? 6 This forestnever(destroy). 7 This country(surround) by the sea. 8 When I read the article, I learnt that all coastal states (influence) this territory greatly. 9 Shortage of time ...(not influence) me.

dxkuznecov dxkuznecov    1   16.03.2020 19:07    1

vladislavshisho vladislavshisho  11.10.2020 23:16

1. have survived

2. is

3. had been being

4. had been gone,   ...   suffered

5. influenced

6. will be never destroyed

7. is surrounded

8. had been influenced

9. does


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