Open brakets using present perfect or past simple 1. where you ( to spend) you holidays? 2. you ever ( to spend) your holidays in the crimea? white travelling in the crimea i ( to meet) your friend. 3. i ( never to visit)that place. 4. he ( to visit) that place last year. 5. i ( just to get ) a letter from tom.

Unicorn5679 Unicorn5679    1   10.08.2019 22:30    1

Officilskilegor Officilskilegor  04.10.2020 10:10
1.where did you spend...
2.have you ever spent..., while travelling in the Crinea I met...
3. I have never visited...
4.he visited...
5.i have just got...

P.S надеюсь, этого достаточно, ведь окончания там одинаковые
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