Они сейчас выполняют домашнее задание. They doing their home work. They are doing their home work. They do their home work. They are doing their home work now Она ходит в школу каждый день? She walks to school every day? Does she walks to school every day? Does she walk to school every day? Is she walking to school every day? Петя будет выполнять домашнее задание завтра. Peter is going to do his homework tomorrow. Peter is doing his nomework tomorrow. Peter will do his homework tomorrow. Peter doing homework tomorrow. Жарко здесь. Я открой окно. It's hot in here. I'll open the window. It's hot in here. I am going to open the window. It's hot in here. I am opening the window. It's hot in here. I open the window. Ты ходил в театр два дня назад