One of the most beautiful things you can see in Australia is Uluru, or Rock. It is a very big rock situated in the desert. It is three kilometres long and 348 metres high but there

are two kilometres more under the ground.

Uluru is 600 million years old, and it is the largest rock of its kind on the planet. Each

year thousands of tourists come to walk round it and look at it. The best time to see the

rock is at the end of the day, when its colour changes from yellow to gold, red and

purple. Rock is a very special place for Aborigines to whom it belongs.

The world’s longest coral reef is also situated in Australia. Its name is Great Barrier

Reef and it is 2,000 kilometres long. The reef is very old. 1,500 different kinds of fish live

there, some of them are very colourful and unusual. The place is very popular with

tourists and lovers of underwater swimming who come to visit the islands and enjoy the

beauty of the fish and the coral.

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