one/ 1 Circle the correct words. 1 A: Which T-shirt would you like, pink or blue? B: I'd like the blue one/ ones, please. 2 A: Which biscuits would you like, chocolate or lemon? B: I'd like the chocolate one / ones, please. 3 A: What kind of ticket do you want? B: Which one / ones is the cheapest? 4 A: I really like those kinds of films. B: Which one / ones? A: Action films. 5 A: Which restaurant do you like best? B: The one / ones on the corner near the park. 6 A: Do you want the same flowers as last time? B: No, I'd like different one / ones, please.

Айгуль19791788 Айгуль19791788    3   30.05.2023 23:17    0

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