Олимпиада по 1. horse be very interesting to watch. а) taste б) races в) advantage г) mark 2. each olympic games are a very important in the history of sport. а) race б) battle в) event г) play 3. you can buy a ticket in a а) cloakroom б) box office в) gallery г) stage 4. i would like to my boyfriend to my parents. а) introduce б) consider в) offer г) come 5. our school needs good sports а) equipment б) game в) prize г) player 6. i bought two tickets london. а) in б) on в) to г) of 7. the curtains opened and the dancers came the stage. а) on б) to в) of г) in 8. frank joined the game. а) to б) in в) on г) of 9. transform sentences from direct speech into indirect: he said, “he went to the theatre last saturday” а) he said that he went to the theatre last saturday б) he said that he went to the theatre the previous saturday в) he said that he has gone to the theatre the previous saturday г) he said that he had gone to the theatre the previous saturday 10. transform sentences from direct speech into indirect: she said to him, “i am working at factory.” а) she told him that she am working at factory. б) she told him that she was working at factory. в) she said to him that she worked at factory г) she told him that she has worked at factory.

sashakO5класс sashakO5класс    1   14.09.2019 23:10    2

1. Б
2. В
3. Б
4. А
5. А
6. В
7. А
8. А
9. Г
10. Б
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