Огромное прочитайте текст, преобразуйте слова, чтобы они лексически и грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста children are curious. sometimes, they are too curious! this can lead to injuries. many childhood injuries can be avoided if adults are 1__ and know how to keep kids safe. care here are some important things to know about 2 __ . always safe make sure children are safe in a car by having them ride in a car seat. should always wear a seatbelt when they are a old passenger. be a good example to your child by always wearing your seat be1t. install smoke 4 __ in your home. they make a loud noise detect if smoke is present in the air. make sure your children know what the sound means. talk to 5 __ about what to do in case of a fire. they заранее , надо

Marishka301 Marishka301    2   19.05.2019 08:20    30

LeenBoom69 LeenBoom69  12.06.2020 12:43
Older( не уверена)
Detection ( не уверена)
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