Один правильный ответ 1This is your tablet. And where is ?
he b. my c. mine
2Mary is my niece. is eleven years old.
she b. her c. it
3We enjoyed at the party last night.
us b. themselves c. ourselves
4Jane, can you help , please?
myself b. his c. me
5Have you seen my umbrella? - was on the table 5 minutes ago.
it b. she c. he
6These are not books. They are .
our …. theirs b. ours …. their c. mine …. hers
7Jack 23 years old now. He 24 next year.
will be … are b. is … will be c. am …. will be
8My dad and I big football fans.
is b. am c. are
9Jane is in the office at the moment. She on holiday.
is b. isn’t c. aren’t
10Today the weather is fine but yesterday it miserable.
was b. is c. will be
11The weather forecast says it sunny tomorrow.
is b. was c. will be
12Bill and Emma missed classes yesterday because they sick.
weren’t b. were c. was
13Do you have any siblings? – Yes, I an elder sister.
have b. had c. has
14Jane a big flat in the city centre but now she lives in the countryside and ___ a small cottage.
has b. will have c. had
15I any pets at home because I am allergic to fur.
don’t have b. doesn’t have c. have
16Don many friends in school because he is not very sociable.
had b. has c. didn’t have
17We 2 exams next term.
had b. will have c. has
18Will your colleague tea or coffee?
have b. has c. had
19Every day we dinner at 6 pm.
have b. had c. has
20A horse four legs.
will have b. doesn’t have c. has
21Bob swimming in the sea.
enjoys b. enjoy c. do not enjoy
22Migrant birds to the warm countries every autumn.
flies b.fly c. flys
23Her students never maths classes.
do not miss b. does not miss c. miss
24Jill works as a clerk and studies correspondence at university.
-- b. in c. by
25My mother has a younger sister. She is my .
aunt b. niece c. sister-in-law
26I am married. My name is Nick. We have 2 children.
father’s b. husband’s c. brother’s
27I am an early riser that’s why I have at 6 am.
dinner b. lunch c. breakfast
28Jack goes to bed 10 pm on weekdays.
at b. in c. on
29My mum has 3 siblings. My dad has 4 siblings. No wonder, we have a lot of .
friends b. colleagues c. relatives
30Although Billy and Tom are twins, they don’t have much in .
common b. similar c. same

ЯковНосков ЯковНосков    1   11.01.2021 14:29    3

HaCT9I3 HaCT9I3  12.02.2021 22:54

1. mine

2. she

3. ourselves

4. me

5. it

6. our and theirs

7. is and will be

8. are

9. isn't

10. was

11. wil be

12. were

13. have

14. had, have

15. don't have

16. didn't have

17. wil have

18. has

19. have

20. has

21. enjoy (неуверенна)

22. fly

23. don't miss

24. by (неуверенна)

25. aunt

26. husband's

27. breakfast

28. at

29. relatives

30. similar

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