очень В скобках это ответы, в каждом во всего один правильный ответ заранее

1) "Did you remember … the clothes in the washing machine?" she asked.
(put, putting, to put)
2) Alan stopped … taxis to work because it was too expensive.
(take, taking, to take)
3) He agreed … the contract.
(signing, sign, to sign
4) Kay and Alex enjoy … through the countryside on Sundays.
(to drive, drive, driving)
5) I'll never forget … Sharon Stone.
(meet, to meet, meeting, to meet)
6) Carl really hates … to rap music.
(to listen, listening, listen)
7) The archaeologist tried … the lost city but she had no luck.
(finding, find, to find)
8) Bill stopped … a glass of water and then went back to work.
(drinking, to drink, drink)
9) Tom loves … spicy food.
(to eat, eating, eat)
10) I forgot … milk so the sauce is ruined.
(adding, add, to add)
11) "Excuse me. Could you please … me the time?" he asked.
(tell, to tell, telling)
12) "O, dear. I forgot … the burglar alarm before I left the house."
(to set, set, setting)
13) Rob asked if he could … in the park that afternoon.
(play, to play, playing)
14) You must … your teeth at least twice a day.
(brush, to brush, brushing)
15) You should try … out more often if you want to meet people.
(go, going, to go)
16) I regret … you that you didn't pass the exam.
(inform, informing, to inform)
17) I really regret … to them so rudely.
(talking, to talk, talk)
18) Stacy regrets not … them to her party.
(to invite, inviting, invite)
19) He always remembered … the plants before he left the house.
(water, watering, to water)
20) Steven went to the shop … some stamps.
(buy, to buy, buying)

adadasda65p06utn adadasda65p06utn    2   31.05.2020 20:52    1

rus7300 rus7300  15.10.2020 12:40

1. put,9) eat 20) buy


arina121212 arina121212  15.10.2020 12:40
1) to put
2) to take
3) to sign
4) driving
5) to meet
6) to listen
7) to find
8) to drink
9) to eat
10) to add
11) tell
12) to set
13) playing
14) brush
15) to go
16) to inform
17) talking
18) inviting
19) to water
20) to buy
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