ОЧЕНЬ Упражнение 1 . Поставьте артикли a (an), the перед

существительными, где нужно.

1 I am …Bess.

2 I am … twenty.

3 I made … new friends last summer.

4 He lives in … large house.

5 … Bob and … Mark are … friends.

6 Daniel Defo is … English writer.

7 My parents have … cat. … cat doesn’t eat meat.

8 Would you like … cup of tea?

9 I like … cold juice.


I don’t like … meat I had for breakfast.

1048298 1048298    1   17.04.2020 13:53    54

Tryys Tryys  02.08.2020 09:48

1 the

2 а

3 an

4 a

5 a Bob and mark are best friends

6 a


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