ОЧЕНЬ Переделайте предложения так, чтобы они содержали сказуемое в страдательном залоге, опустив подлежащие (пишите готовые предложения).
1) You should open the wine about three hours before you use it.
2) Somebody had cleaned my shoes and brushed my suit.
3) We use this room only on special occasions.
4) You must not hammer nails into the walls without permission.
5) Someone switched on a light and opened the door.
6) Somebody had slashed the picture with a knife.
7) Why didn't they mend the roof before it fell in?
8) Someone will serve refreshments.
9) Someone has already told him to report for duty at six.
10) No one can do anything unless someone gives us more information.
11) People are spending far more money on food now that they spent ten years ago.
12) The organizers will exhibit the paintings till the end of the month.
13) It is high time someone told him to stop behaving like a child.
14) They are pulling down the old theatre.

dmitrocreativ dmitrocreativ    2   28.05.2020 20:48    10

lyubimuchkaozd15q lyubimuchkaozd15q  15.10.2020 10:46

1) The wine should be opened about three hours before you use it.

2) My shoes had been cleaned and my suit had been brushed.

3) This room is used by us only on special occasions.

4) Nails must not be hammered into the walls without permission.

5) A light was switched on and the door was opened.

6) The picture had been slashed with a knife.

7) Why wasn’t the roof mended before it fell in?

8) Refreshments will be served.

9) He has already been told to report for duty at six.

10) Nothing can be done unless we are given more information.

11) Far more money is being spent on food now than was spent ten years ago.

12) The paintings will be exhibited by the organizers till the end of the month.

13) It is high time he was told to stop behaving like a child.

14) The old theatre is being pulled down.

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