ОЧЕНЬ ОПРЕДЕЛИТЬ ИНФИНИТИВ В ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯХ. Перепишите следующие предложения, определите в них видовременные формы глаголов и укажите их инфинитив; переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. These radioactive substances which the atomic furnace can produce in great quantities have proved valuable in almost every field of human life.

2. The nuclear reactor generates tiny, swiftly moving pieces of atoms. 3. The atomic furnace - flameless, almost entirely automatic

is being used to make steam for generating electricity.

4. During the middle years of the 19th century scientists had discovered that when an electric current was passed between two electrodes placed at the end of a partially evacuated glass tube.

5. While German scientists were experimenting with radioactive polonium, they detected a strong radiation.

danya166 danya166    2   08.01.2021 20:39    1

Kukushka2281337 Kukushka2281337  12.02.2021 22:38

Перепишите следующие предложения, определите в них видовременные формы глаголов и укажите их инфинитив.

1. These radioactive substances which the atomic furnace can produce (present simple- can, produce) in great quantities have proved (present perfect - prove)  valuable in almost every field of human life.

2. The nuclear reactor generates (present simple - generate) tiny, swiftly moving pieces of atoms.

3. The atomic furnace - flameless, almost entirely automatic is being used (present continuous passive - use) to make steam for generating electricity.

4. During the middle years of the 19th century scientists had discovered (past perfect - discover) that when an electric current was passed (past simple passive - pass) between two electrodes placed at the end of a partially evacuated glass tube.

5. While German scientists were experimenting (past coutiuous - experiment) with radioactive polonium, they detected (past simple - detect) a strong radiation.

Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. These radioactive substances which the atomic furnace can produce in great quantities have proved valuable in almost every field of human life. Эти радиоактивные вещества, которые атомная печь может производить в больших количествах, оказались ценными почти во всех областях человеческой жизни.

2. The nuclear reactor generates tiny, swiftly moving pieces of atoms. Ядерный реактор генерирует крошечные, стремительно движущихся частицы атомов.

3. The atomic furnace - flameless, almost entirely automatic is being used to make steam for generating electricity. Атомная печь (беспламенная, почти полностью автоматическая) используется в производстве пара для выработки электроэнергии.

4. During the middle years of the 19th century scientists had discovered that when an electric current was passed between two electrodes placed at the end of a partially evacuated glass tube. В середине 19-го века ученые обнаружили, что при пропускании электрического тока между двумя электродами, расположенными на конце частично вакуумированной стеклянной трубки.

5. While German scientists were experimenting with radioactive polonium, they detected a strong radiation. Когда немецкие ученые экспериментировали с радиоактивным полонием, они обнаружили сильное излучение.