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1. Faraday wanted to produce electricity by electromagnetism. 2. A model of an electromagnetic apparatus he used to carry about him consisted of a horseshoe magnet and a straight bar with some turns of iron wound round it. 3. Michael Faraday made his first successful experiment together with Oersted. 4. Faraday worked neither with a straight bar, nor with a hor-seshoe magnet but with a ring. 5. Faraday wound long coils of fine copper wire on opposite sides of the ring. The turns were separated for insulation purposes. One coil was connected to a galvanometer and the other to a battery. 6. The needle on the galvanometer deflected only when the magnetic field in the iron ring was switching on or switching off. 7. Faraday failed to produce electricity through magnetism.

Котя5461 Котя5461    3   24.05.2020 18:23    26

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