ОЧЕНЬ 1) be called / south / be divided / population / be known / east / be situated /make up /be washed
1) England is the largest of the countries that __ the UK.
2) England __ to the __ of Wales and to the __ of Scotland.
3) England __ by the North Sea, __ , __ and the Strait of Dover.
4) About 50 million people out the __ of the UK live in England.
5) England __ into areas. These areas __ counties.
6) The counties around London __ as the Home Counties. They are __ and __ .

Ellis2034 Ellis2034    3   30.05.2023 21:43    0

mivliev38p08iax mivliev38p08iax  30.05.2023 22:00

1) The South of the United States is commonly known for its warm weather and friendly hospitality.

2) The states of Florida and Georgia are situated to the East of the South.

3) The South is washed by the Gulf of Mexico, Atlantic Ocean, and some parts by Mississippi River.

4) With a population of over 120 million people, the South makes up about 38% of the total population of the United States.

5) The South is often divided into regions such as the Deep South, Appalachia, and the Sun Belt.

6) The states of Texas and Oklahoma are often considered part of the Southwest rather than the South.

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