Обвндиье правильный вариант 1)He...goes boating on saturdays a)always b)at the moment c)now 2) How oftenboating a)are you going b) do you go c)you go
3)Don't call her now.She's ...the plant a)water b)waters c)watering
4) Shethe plants regularly a)water b)waters c)watering
5)It's raining.Shewatering the plants a)isn't b)don't c)doesn't
6)...are they They're sandwiches a)Who b)Whose c)What
7)...car is it a)Who b) Whose c) What

ioiaaea33 ioiaaea33    2   13.04.2021 20:35    4

паша5808989 паша5808989  13.04.2021 20:40

1) a (always)

2) b (do you go)

3) c (watering)

4) b (waters)

5) a (isn't)

6) c (what)

7) b (whose)

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