Обведите указатели времени (подсказки), определите и запишите время, раскройте скобки , запишите правильную форму глагола. 1)i a day in moscow last week. (to spend) 2)his dad often the paths. (to sweep) 3)the houses in my town every year. (to build) 4)we chess every week.  (to play) 5)john just an apple. (to eat)  6)our granny already a pie. (to cook) 7)next year i … going to learn english. (to be) 8)he … going to travel abroad soon. (to be) 9)… you … a song tomorrow?  (to sing) 10)my friend … tennis two days ago. (to play) 11)… you … a letter next week?  (to write ) 12)apples … in autumn by people. (to gather )

demoooon24 demoooon24    2   04.05.2019 22:20    0

NatsuSalamandor NatsuSalamandor  09.06.2020 09:56

1 spent подсказка-LAST WEEK,Past Simple-время

Подсказку буду писать большими буквами

2 sweeps;OFTEN; Present Simple

3 are built; EVERY YEAR; Present Simple Passive

4 play; EVERY WEEK; Present Simple

5 has JUSTeaten; Present Perfect

6 has ALREADY cooked; Present Perfect

7 am; NEXT YEAR; Present Continuous

8 Is;SOON; Present Continuous

9 will you sing a song TOMORROW?

future Simple

10 played;TWO DAYS AGO; Past Simple

11will you write a letter NEXT WEEK?-Future Simple

12 Are gathered;IN AUTUMN,; Present Simple Passive

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