Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal прокомментируйте в 5-6 предложениях

nast60 nast60    2   10.06.2019 05:30    5

karrtavaya01 karrtavaya01  01.10.2020 23:31
Вышло примерно вот так.

everybody have their own dreams and goals. and sometimes we have to face the problems, connected with our wishes. we start to give up, to think that it's not for us and we have to do something different. but it's just a lesson that life gives us, we should do what we decided to do no matter, what. because it's the only way to make our dreams come true. In some people's opinion it's stupid to follow your goals, but I don't agree with them. obstacles make us stronger, than we were, plus it's a good way to prove everyone that you're great person.
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