Present continuous : is/am/are verb+ing
is(he,she,it)/am(I)/are(we,you,they) inventing
Present perfect: have/has verb+Ed or 3 form
have(I,we,you,they)/has(he,she,it) written
He is inventing
She is inventing
It is inventing
You are inventing
They are inventing
We are inventing
I am inventing
You have written
They have written
We have written
She has written
It has written
He has written
Present continuous : is/am/are verb+ing
is(he,she,it)/am(I)/are(we,you,they) inventing
Present perfect: have/has verb+Ed or 3 form
have(I,we,you,they)/has(he,she,it) written
He is inventing
She is inventing
It is inventing
You are inventing
They are inventing
We are inventing
I am inventing
You have written
They have written
We have written
She has written
It has written
He has written