Образуйте разделительные во Рядом с каждым предложением напишите время, в котором употреблено данное предложение:
1. Melinda lives in London,
2. Students took part in the school exchange,
3. Jim and Jack are laying chess,
4.They can speak Engilsh,
5.Mary can’t dance,
6. Charlottee and Muzzy were friends,
7.We have planned a lot of things,

Mila1515 Mila1515    1   26.05.2020 13:27    0

Murmurvk Murmurvk  15.10.2020 09:12

1. Melinda lives in London, doesn’t she? - present simple

2. Students took part in the school exchange, didn’t they? - past simple

3. Jim and Jack are laying chess, aren’t they? - present continues

4.They can speak Engilsh,can’t they? - present simple

5.Mary can’t dance, can she?- present simple

6. Charlottee and Muzzy were friends, weren’t they? - past simple

7.We have planned a lot of things, don’t we? - Present Simple


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