Образуйте притяжательный падеж имен существительных, используя ‘s или of например: the door/ the room – the door of the room; the mother/ ann - ann’s mother the name / street the garden / neighbors the ground floor / the building the birthday / my father the name / your wife образуйте притяжательный падеж имен существительных, раскрыв скобки …………………………………. is blue. (the favourite colour / john) …………………………………. are very thin. (the walls / this house) when is ………………………………………………….? (the birthday / your mother) what is ……………………………………………………? (the name / this city) do you like………………………………………………? ( the colour / this car)

5Vlad2851 5Vlad2851    3   05.09.2019 05:10    1

lizaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas lizaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas  06.10.2020 18:42
the name of the street
the neighbors' garden
the ground floor of the building
my father's birthday
your wife's name
John's favourite colour is blue.
The walls of this house are very thin.
When is your mother's birthday?
What is the name of this city?
Do you like the colour of this car?
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